Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The new year ....

It is with some caution that I welcome the New Year. On one hand I am filled with optimism. There are many initiatives around which improve all of our lives and on a daily basis we see humanity developing new technology and pushing forward new political agendas that embrace the ‘tree hugging hippy’ spirit.

But on a darker note all this optimism is tainted with a sinister shade. Only today I read in The Guardian how Exxon Mobile refuse to renounce its opposition to scientifically supported climate change theory. But you’ll be pleased to know that it has decided to ‘soften’ its image in order to please its shareholders. Basically folks that means more of the same stuff but behind a better smoke screen. Hmmmm… you know what? We all sit around telling people not to invest in un-ethical companies like Exxon but the real truth is we should invest in them. Companies belong to the shareholders and if the shareholders want another direction then it is beyond even the company to refuse he shareholders their wishes. We all sit around criticising those that invest in un-ethical companies like BAE, Exxon and Nestle but if you think about it the sooner it becomes obvious that together we could affect real change by owning these companies.

I was astonished at Tony Blair’s statement that he wouldn’t stop going on long haul flights, but after a few minutes I realised that he actually made some sense. We can’t expect to give up the things we have grown used to. People must be able to have fun. Going ‘green’ shouldn’t mean a stop to this. No sir-ree, the ‘alcopop generation’ may have come of age but that doesn’t mean we’ve all turned into fascist dictators overnight. If NGOs like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace want to win the popular vote they must realise this. It is possible to retain similar lifestyles by making considerate decisions. Trust me I’m managing it (just).

Just as I was about to email Tony Blair asking him to consider Carbon Offsets I heard that he had already agreed to do so on the Channel 4 News. Maybe 2007 won’t be so bad after all.

Happy New Year to you all.


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