Human Waster (Waste, Climate Change, IPCC Report)
Where there is muck... there's usually a supermarket (but the muck can't really be seen) If you saw the Independant today then you'll have seen their campaign against the amount of packaging these businesses sell you. (CAMPAIGN AIMS TO REDUCE THE MOUNTAINS OF WASTE,
Since before Christmas I've had a couple of plastic cling film trays ready to send back to Tesco. I'd intended to send them back without a stamp so they they could also pick up the cost of it as well. That was my own little way of feeling like I'd done my bit. I thought 'Why the hell did I need this stuff? I've got enough crap at home as it is'.
Those people are the real criminals, for selling it to us in the first place. A bit like a cocaine dealer selling you another hit, they know its bad for you, and everyone around, but they do it anyway.
Still there's one, for thing for sure we don't have to take it any more. We could have done it years ago, but we never had the confidence to. Suddenly the Green Revolution has begun and we're all able make a stand.... it just makes so much sense.
Just give the waste back.
Yes it really is that simple. Use it as a way to remind yourself to take back your carrier bag. (One of the problems of using a bag, if ind, is remembering it!)
A new front in this Green War is about to be fought..... Waste.
Some time ago a local WI decided they would save all the waste they have and take it back to the super market. It's a great idea! But I never heard about it, so all I can say is it wasn't big enough.
Failing that of course I guess local events would be a good idea. Get together a large bunch of people through the internet, the newspaper or whatever. Get them together and go shopping. Get everyone to buy one item, unwrap it, and leave the litter at the shop. Lets face it, businesses pretty much have to recycle now and your local council might not actually be that great at it anyway. :)
This week we'll see old Georgie Jnr. (President George Bush) taking a bit of a shift in Climate Change, so keep your eyes peeled. George is probably worried that scientific panel that was set up years ago to investigate climate change is now about to realease their most stark warning yet. It's on its way.... Things are too late it's gonna be crazy round here as we lead up to 2025 oh and incase your wondering about that 3C average rise lets just remember that a 1C average rise will be catastrophic. Live green and see the next few decades through , it really will be the only option if you want to see your society survive.
So make sure the ball keeps rolling, make sure you keep shouting, because there is only one choice left to make, and waste is as good of place to start as any other.
There's Evolution in ..... Revolution
Something is stirring in the air. The people are getting restless with empty promises and they are banding together. There's only one way to start a revolution and that's to believe in it. - Gareth
'Let's salute the crazy ones, the rebels, the ones who see things differently. We can disagree with them, the only thing we can't do is ignore them, because the ones who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do. - Steve Jobs'
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