Saturday, December 31, 2005

I found this today on a site called HotorNot (of all places) seems like an appropriate epitaph to 2005. :)

'Let's salute the crazy ones, the rebels, the ones who see things differently. We can disagree with them, the only thing we can't do is ignore them, because the ones who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do.'

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

It’s Christmas eve 2005. What a great year for the people this has been. A really great year!

Just like the movements in the 60’s something is stirring in the air. The people are getting restless with empty promises and they are banding together. Don’t believe me? Well just watch the news… or remember all the events that have taken place since the Tsunami last boxing day.

In 2006 the people will get even closer. January 2006 will see the One Earth Concert in Cardiff. A massive call to the people to improve the environment. We can lobby politicians all we want but actually each and everyone of us has the power to make the changes a lot faster than any politician.

Yes, 2005 taught us that the people still have the power.

Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to you all