Wednesday, March 08, 2006

23:56 -
Climate countdown...
Africa development...
Evolution by the people and not £/

Sorry to depress you all, but its too late! For years we've warned people about the risks of pollution and global warming! Warning after warning.... Governments failing on promise after promise.....

The world is well past the eleventh hour! The sea levels will rise and the earth's temperatures will soar.

Antarctia will be interesting when it reveals it's edges and freak weather will become more frequent.

History tells us it has happened once and now it is about to happen again. It also teaches us that great civilisations have ended due to the climate.

Never underestimate the Earth - it will wipe out everything in a breath if its wants to. People talk about terrorism. Well the Earth is our biggest Terrorist. But only when you piss it off. If you have a house near the coast that isn't on high ground then I suggest you move. You might lose it in the next few decades. :)

Why can't we run water into Africa from the sea? Maybe our socieites are intitutionally racist

If we really wanted to supply water, a grand civil enginneering scheme like this would be the answer.

Maybe when the climate does warm up and the ignorant among us start to believe in Climate change then watering Africa will become more important. It will soon become apparent 'en masse' that we need to start locking the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into biomass (trees, plants, etc).

The Earth's ecosystem is extremely delicate. It only takes a one degree rise in average worldwide temperatures for huge change!

Think about it if we irrigate Africa, poverty is reduced, animals thrive, the rainforests grow, Africa develops, and war (dependant on poverty) declines... The growth in biomass will counteract the growing amount of Carbon emissions.

In the interest of preserving our own species that 'Watering of Africa' is not something we can afford to have doubts about. It is imperitive to everyones survival.

Part of the problem we experience in our society is the continuous battle between 'The company' philosophy and moral correctness/self preservation. Traditionally 'The company' does not care what damage it does. It devours and is only limited by legislation. Profit is it's goal.

I just came back from Belgium - most of the newer houses there use rainwater to flush the toilets and run washing machines. But guess what? the water companies were owned by the public. Public owned companies are driven by the people for the people.

Private companies live for profit. Why would they want you to save water? Think about that.

The environmental decisions we face today can be solved with common sense. It's just a shame that a lot of people are too wrapped up in their own existance to even think about the welfare of their grand-children.


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