The worker's unite
Turns out that one of my ancestors was George Lovelace (or is that less?)
Sat here watching BBC News pondering what was 'really happening' with the AUT and NATHFE at the moment. Why they were so hell bent on getting these pay rises at the expense of the students in Higher Education. Personally I support the academics and the students, neither one can exist without the other. Then it occured to me... Actually it's more about the unions gaining control. Unions are formed of the people and the people are using their power to get a grip on 'labour' government?
As I write this, I'm hearing that John Prescott has just made a decision to give up his countryside residence (or government 'perk') strange how a 'strict union' supporter no longer seems have his wits about him. A countryside residence? Come on John, time to retire!.
There's Evolution in ..... Revolution
Something is stirring in the air. The people are getting restless with empty promises and they are banding together. There's only one way to start a revolution and that's to believe in it. - Gareth
'Let's salute the crazy ones, the rebels, the ones who see things differently. We can disagree with them, the only thing we can't do is ignore them, because the ones who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do. - Steve Jobs'
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
From one ally to another...
(Happy birthday to my nephew Macauley.)
Don't you just love warm dark windy nights. Tonight is one of those.
I'm 27, when I was 7 I lived thinking America was great. I rode up and down the street wanting to be in 'Chips' and listening to the beach boys. The summers were always long...
Sadly the America of today angers me. But I don't blame the people... Not entirely.
Somewhere betwteen 40%-60% of the American people are good. In that statistic I mean the USA and from here forth shall but the problem the USA now faces is the remainder.
One upon a time in Europe the 'strange folk' of our continent set sail for a land where the people wouldn't be annoyed by them anymore. We purged that land of Indians in one of the worlds most sordid and sad ethnic cleaning campaigns the world has ever seen. The destruction of the the people whose country it once was.
I'm sure there are some people that would say Europe has a duty to put the world right again.
Where the hell was I.... ah yes...
Basically... USA listen up. . .
Its time for democracy. Take your country back. Use nothing but peace and the tools of democracy. The rest of the world is now starting to practice what you've preached and it's time to start practicing what you've always been preaching.
If you really want America to be remembered as a compassionate 'Land of the free' then its time to do something about it. The world hates you.... All because of one man. George W. Bush.
South America well done... Well done for acheiving the real democracy. The people there control the part of the country the people need. Not want the companies need and what the companies can feed the corrupt government of the USA.
We live in interesting times friends. Welcome to one and all!
In the words of Midnight Caller 'Goodnight America where ever you are!'
Monday, May 08, 2006
I was just reading through one of the Amsterdam diaries and came across this little gem from my good friend Phil.
'The conflict is rumoured to begin in the antipodes. This is the battlefield of the future. Each committed to resolving their dispute by their sporting approach, which some have accredited to the relaxed lifestyles enjoyed by one and all that partook in the sociable past-time that is smoking pot.
There were casualities but these seldom required more than 1 hour in a comfortable position to rememdy. Delegates retired when necessary. There were no atrocities no financial economic crises, famine or displacement.
Merely peace was accomplished by the unanimous decision to colonise the heavens.' - Phil Elsden
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Just to let you know that i've had my next article published on the Generation Why website.,
Remember Oxfam are alwasy looking for new writers :)
Take care