Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"It is a mad wisdom and it should not be dismissed because it's mad, just as Hitler - he started off as an attack on the Jews and this is the same thing," he said.

"Tony Blair understands this. Some of the chattering classes do not. They learnt nothing from history. They really think it is a problem with Israel."

- Binyamin Netanyahu, Former Israeli prime minister

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Friday, August 04, 2006


There are people in this government in the UK as there are in other Security Council members that are quite happy for Israel's slaughter of innocent civilians to continue.

Some may say this is because the UK is one of the world's largest arms suppliers and that it is good for the economy. I'll let you to make up your own mind about that, but you can probably guess where I stand.

Hezbollah have used brainwashing techniques on their people. Just in the same way McDonalds exploits our appetite for food. Obviously I'm not directly comparing the two, that would be silly. But what I'm trying to say is we all get brainwashed everyday. Hezbollah like Hitler is using unscrupulous techniques to convince the people to wage war as are Israel.

I'm neither a Christian, Jew nor Muslim. I have no allegiances to any side.

No religious leader, no mainstream philosophy of any of these religions encourages violence.
Please read that again. No religious leader, no mainstream philosophy of any of these religions encourages violence. Hell, even Satanism doesn't encourage violence. (Excuse the pun) and no I'm not a Satanist either! There is no excuse for this slaughter in the same way there is no excuse for the slaughter of millions of victims of poverty everyday.

Tony Blair despite his failings is doing the right thing by going through the UN. Let's face it remember last time when he didn't? Yeah we never liked that either. By why on earth doesn't he just tell people a ceasefire is necessary and put pressure on Israel to stop or for that matter why doesn't Europe? Come on we keep getting told we're one 'big family', let act like it.

I know Israel and its people have had a shitty deal but that's no excuse for the slaughter of children.

Do something today, get up and bloody do something, think of the crap these people are going through. Email your MP today:


Thursday, August 03, 2006